Police impunity staged as farce at Strathmore

What happens when a bully takes charge of a situation, be it a police station, a city, or a country? And what if the bully is really a conman who can just as easily pass himself off as a madman who can be ‘forgiven’ for all his bad deeds since people generally believe that no sane person can behave as badly as he does. Thus, he must be insane. We have seen bullies and conmen operating a lot in the world these days. Take the former president of the United States, for instance. We also just saw one in last weekend’s production by the Strathmore Drama Club of Dario Fo’s brilliant satire on crazies and bad cops in ‘The Accidental Death of an Anarchist.”

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Play to wise up voters in next election

It's the sort of story that could have been censored or even banned in another era for being too blunt and transparent about the motives and machinations of most politicians. Since we’ve been told the play has relevance in light of Kenya’s forthcoming election, we could easily assume Farai’s quest for power is in Kenya.

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Gideon Letaya: Hard Times Create Strong Men

“Tough times never last but tough people do.” I could adopt this phrase as the title of this story but Robert H. Schuller had it first for his book in 1983. However, G. Michael Hopf said, “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create... Continue Reading →

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Shoes(Life) on the line

Credit: Sirdart|Anwar Sadat Some parts of Nairobi would shock you when you come across shoes hung on electricity lines. Why would someone hang shoes on electricity lines? Well, in my hood, Kibera, this is how reformed criminals mourn and remember their dark past. A tour around my neighborhood witnessing such might appear to a first... Continue Reading →

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Lovers Lava: A modern-day morality play

Erupting volcanos can release an uncontrollable outpouring of red-hot molten lava anywhere in the world. The lava itself is so powerful it can transform whole landscapes, create new islands of activity, and also be terribly destructive and threatening. When Wreiner Mandu entitled his play ‘Lovers Lava’, he might have been alluding to the sort of... Continue Reading →

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Back to School

The initial stages of COVID-19 led to closure of schools in Kenya. The effect of the pandemic have been felt by the ministry of education as the institution was driven to revamping the school calendar. Following the new school calendar (2020,2021,2022 and 2023), most primary and secondary schools begin their 2021 school calendar earlier this... Continue Reading →

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Motherhood amid COVID-19

Motherhood is a “métier” often propelled by pure, unwavering love. Being a mother is a journey of a lifetime that is filled with great adventure and priceless moments(Strathmore University). With COVID-19 came an array of challenges that #mothers around the world face as the pandemic and resulting economic downturn have created a caregiving crisis that... Continue Reading →

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Books and Pandemic

Following its launch in 2017 by the Ministry of Education, the Competency Based Curriculum(CBC) has been adopted by most schools in Kenya. The CBC was designed to ensure foster knowledge skills development among learners in Kenyan schools. The implementation of this new system of education has been a challenge especially with the wake of COVID-19.... Continue Reading →

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Ride or Die

Some call it ‘Boda boda’ while some ‘ndudhi’. These are names referring to the business of professional motorcycling in most of the Kenyan cities and towns. Motorcycles are preferred by many because of their convenience, relatively lower prices, among other factors. Some studies report that majority of boda boda motorcyclists in Kenya are men. This... Continue Reading →

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Wash your hands!

Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. The wake of COVID-19 has deemed it necessary for us to keep away from the virus by... Continue Reading →

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Did you know that the Father's Day was first celebrated in 1972 when US President Richard Nixon signed a declaration for it? All men can be fathers but it takes a special man to be a dad. Profography2021

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Survival for the prettiest

It’s 5.39 pm. This is past the normal hours of trekking back home from school. But, we are from a #Period Education session with NAWIRI SISTERS FOUNDATION. The teacher on duty instructed my male schoolmates to wait for us so we can go home together. Why should they wait for us you ask? Because a... Continue Reading →

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Women, girls and pads in Kenya

As of 2020, 65% of women and girls in Kenya were unable to afford sanitary pads; says Menstrual Hygiene Day, a global advocacy platform for non-profit organisations and government agencies to promote #menstrualhealth. Profography2021

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What they say about my periods

Well, they say that when I get my #periods, I shouldn’t be found in the kitchen; I shouldn’t go to church; I shouldn’t talk to nor play with boys; I shouldn’t be touched by any boy; I shouldn’t talk to anyone about menses; I am dirty; I am cursed and many other reasons. I know... Continue Reading →

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If you are conversant with ‘TikTok language’, then you probably know where this title is coming from. I am also assuming that you read it in the …THE PRESSURE IS GETTING WORSER!

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